Monday, March 1, 2010


REGISTRATION TIME:1. Registration:  February s.d March2. Tk test checks Region: March  sd May  ( May  Psi)3. Session of the Regional Committee: June 4. Inspection / Test Center tk:  July 5. Session of the Central Committee: July 6. Open Education: August 

a. Citizens of the Republic of Indonesia.
b. Devoted to God Almighty.
c. Faithful to the Unitary Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the basic Act 1945.
d.. Aged at least 18 years and a maximum 22-year high during the opening of education on August 2, 2010.
e. haven't crime records issued in writing by the police of the Republic of Indonesia.
f. Healthy body and mind.
g.haven't losing the right to a court decision based soldiers who have obtained permanent legal force.
a. The man, not a member / ex-soldier military / police
b. High school diplomas / MA program science or equivalent, with the provisions of NEM / NUAN as follows:

1) Graduates of 2005 s.d 2009. Passed National Exam with an average value of not less than 6.5 (out of 10 subjects) for candidates who use subdistrict / contact lenses with a maximum size of 1 diopters, the average value of not less than 7.5.

2) Graduates of 2010 will be determined later.
c. Had never married and could not marry during the first education.
d.have height of at least 165 cm and has a balanced weight according to the applicable provisions.
e. through First Service Association (IDP) for 10 years.
f. Willing to be placed throughout the territory of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia.
g.must be no letters of approval from parent / guardian. For candidates who use the guardian to fill that information in accordance with a trustee that is: you step / brother / uncle / aunt to examine the ID card of parents / Guardian (according to the TNI Commander Decree No. Skep/57/II/2003 dated February 24, 2003).
h. Black and white passport photo of the latest measures 4 x 6 cm.
i. Should follow the inspection / testing conducted by a committee that includes revenue.

1) Administration.
2) Health.
3) Form.
4) interview.
5) Psychology.
6) Academic.
a. For those who obtain a certificate from another country, must get approval from the Education Ministry.
b. No tattoos / marks tattoos and pierced or not pierced ears or former members of other bodies, except for the provision of religious / traditional.
c. Drug Free.
d. Willing to comply with corruption-free rule, whether directly or indirectly and if proven to violate the law as it is stated not willing to pass and / or removed from Dikma if the violation is discovered at a later date following the first education.

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